Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Different perspectives

Kim Klassen's Beyond Beyond class started January 23rd I was a little late joining as I was debating whether I should join in considering I am still so far behind with Beyond Layers, as you can tell I took the plunge and decided to go for it.

Our first challenge was to spend some time shooting a still life, we were to allow ourselves at least 30 minutes for the task and then to post our favorite or favorite images. I was pleased to see that the ones that I would usually automatically delete from the camera prior to uploading to the computer I also felt the same about when I downloaded them and I swiftly deleted them on my first run through of the downloaded photos in Lightroom (which I LOVE by the way).  My favorite from the exercise is above and it was when I looked in the viewfinder on the camera too. As I liked several others too I decided to make a collage out of them.  We weren’t supposed to move the objects instead we were to move around them shooting from various angles. For me, it was a wonderful reminder to keep shooting beyond the obvious first shot I envisage. I did find it difficult finding the time the week though as we were in the process of moving back house after having some major work done, so I will probably do this again when I am more relaxed and have a better subject to shoot as I loved it.

Until next time...............................


  1. Karen, this is beautifully subtle. The crystal look of the holder against the subdued gray. Love it.
